Seza Çimento - 2017

Seza Çimento INC, acting with the understanding of "moving forward with firm steps to a sustainable future" which is among its priorities, links this goal with institutional responsibilities and incorporates it into the follow-up systems of relevant performance indicators. Seza Çimento has made the sustainability management system an indispensable element. Having an important role in the sector, Seza Çimento INC continues its work to integrate sustainability into their functions at every stage of the institution.

  • We are sensitive to the environment thanks to our low emission values and low energy consumption.
  • All of our factory processes are of European origin and we use Jet Pulse bag filtering system in all our units.
  • We produce 7,200 tons of cement per day in accordance with TS EN 197-1 standards.
  • All of our products are automatically sampled and analyzed with the RoboLAB quality control system.
  • We create awareness in our industry by producing stable and high quality cement with low standard deviation values.

Taking into consideration the value chain of the Corporation, care is taken to carry out continuous improvement on social and environmental effects that may arise from past, present and future activities.

Seza Çimento INC has the slogan of "Our priority is respect for our community". Moving on from the understanding that everything is made for humanity and corporate success lies in the core of humanity, the company's staff is most important in corporate sustainability.

Seza Çimento INC, which provides employment for 2 thousand people in its region, continues to contribute to the livelihood of 10 thousand people in the sector thanks to its business partners.

With the viewpoint of sustainability approach, the company is trying to establish a balance between financial goals and economic, environmental and social impact. This understanding is also reflected in the organization's structure, business processes and products/services.